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Guardianships in Washington State
At Duncan Law PLLC, we understand that making the decision to pursue guardianship for a loved one can be challenging and emotional. Our guardianship representation is designed to guide you through this complex process with compassion and expertise. This guide aims to answer common questions about Guardianships in Washington State.
What is a Guardianship?
A guardianship is a legal arrangement in which a court appoints a person (the guardian) to make decisions for another person (the ward) who is determined to be incapacitated and unable to manage their own affairs.
Types of Guardianship in Washington State
Full Guardianship: Grants full decision making power for personal decisions, financial decisions, or both
Limited Guardianship: Restricted to specific areas of decision-making
Guardianship of the Person: Covers personal and healthcare decisions
Conservatorship: Covers financial decisions
Minor Guardianship: Related to care of a minor
When is Guardianship Necessary?
Guardianship may be necessary when an individual:
Has a mental or physical illness that impairs decision-making
Is unable to care for their personal needs or manage their finances
Is at risk of harm without assistance
Has no less restrictive alternatives in place (e.g., power of attorney)
Who Can Serve as a Guardian in Washington State?
To serve as a guardian, an individual must:
Be at least 18 years old
Be of sound mind
Have no felony convictions
Have no unsatisfied civil judgments
Complete any training required by the court
Priority is often given to family members, but the court may appoint a professional guardian if necessary.
What is the Process for Establishing Guardianship in Washington?
File a petition with the court
Serve notice to the alleged incapacitated person and interested parties
Court appoints a Guardian ad Litem to investigate
Medical/psychological evaluation of the alleged incapacitated person
Court hearing
If granted, guardian files initial reports and completes required training
What Are the Alternatives to Guardianship?
Less restrictive alternatives to consider include:
Power of Attorney
Healthcare Directive
Representative Payee for government benefits
Supported Decision-Making Agreements
What Are a Guardian's Responsibilities?
Responsibilities vary based on the type of guardianship but may include:
Ensuring proper care and living arrangements
Making healthcare decisions
Managing finances and property
Reporting regularly to the court
Acting in the ward's best interests
How Long Does Guardianship Last?
Guardianship typically lasts until:
The ward regains capacity
The ward passes away
The guardian is no longer able to serve
The court determines guardianship is no longer necessary
The ward reaches the age on capacity (in the case of Minor Guardianship)
Can a Guardianship Be Modified or Terminated?
Yes, guardianship can be modified or terminated if:
The ward's condition improves
A less restrictive alternative becomes available
The guardian is no longer suitable
The ward reaches age of majority
Any interested party can petition the court for modification or termination.
What Rights Does the Ward Retain?
Even under guardianship, the ward retains certain rights, including:
The right to be treated with dignity and respect
The right to privacy
The right to communicate freely with family, friends, and advocates
The right to make certain decisions not assigned to the guardian, if any
How Does the Court Monitor Guardianships?
Guardians must:
File initial inventory of the ward's assets (for conservatorships)
Submit annual reports on the ward's condition and finances
Seek court approval for certain actions, such as selling property
What Training is Required for Guardians in Washington State?
Lay guardians must complete a training program approved by the Administrative Office of the Courts within 90 days of appointment. Professional guardians have more extensive training requirements.
Can Family Members Be Paid for Serving as Guardians?
Family member guardians can petition the court for reasonable compensation, but it's not automatic. Professional guardians are typically paid from the ward's estate.
What if There's a Dispute About Guardianship?
Disputes can arise over:
Whether guardianship is necessary
Who should serve as guardian
Decisions made by the guardian
These disputes are resolved through court hearings, where all interested parties can present their case.
How Can I Plan to Avoid Guardianship?
To potentially avoid guardianship:
Create a comprehensive estate plan
Execute a Durable Power of Attorney
Prepare an Advance Healthcare Directive
Consider setting up a Living Trust
What is Emergency Guardianship?
In urgent situations where an individual is at immediate risk of harm, the court can appoint an emergency guardian for up to 60 days while the full guardianship process is completed.
How Does Guardianship Differ from Conservatorship?
In Washington State, the term "Guardianship" covers personal decision-making. "Conservatorship" refers specifically to financial decision-making.
Can a Washington Guardianship Be Transferred to Another State?
Yes, guardianships can be transferred if the ward moves to another state. This involves coordination between the courts in both states.
How Much Does it Cost to Establish Guardianship?
Costs can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case. Expenses may include:
Court filing fees
Attorney fees
Guardian ad Litem fees
Medical evaluation costs
In some cases, these costs can be paid from the ward's estate.
How Does Guardianship Affect the Ward's Right to Vote?
In Washington State, being under guardianship does not automatically remove a person's right to vote. The court must specifically find that the person lacks the capacity to vote.
Can a Guardian Make End-of-Life Decisions?
A guardian of the person can make end-of-life decisions, but must follow any existing advance directives and consider the ward's known wishes.
What Happens if a Guardian Mismanages the Ward's Affairs?
If a guardian mismanages the ward's affairs, they can be removed by the court and may be held personally liable for any losses. The court can appoint a new guardian.
Can a Ward Contest Their Guardianship?
Yes, a ward can petition the court to end or modify the guardianship if they believe they have regained capacity or that the guardianship is no longer necessary.
Why Choose Duncan Law PLLC for Guardianship Matters?
At Duncan Law PLLC, we offer:
Compassionate guidance through the guardianship process
Comprehensive approach considering all alternatives
Clear communication and support for families
Ongoing assistance with guardianship duties and reporting
Whether you're considering guardianship for a loved one or need assistance with an existing guardianship, we're here to help. Contact us today to discuss your specific situation and explore your options.
Phone: 206-237-7714